School-Wide Behavior Support

Services Offered

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Professional Development
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Small Group Cohorts
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Saturday School
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Behavior Support

The 180 Program Foundation’s School-wide behavior support is crucial in creating a positive learning environment for in various aspects of the school day, such as arrival, dismissal, classroom transition, lunchroom, electives, and more.

First and foremost, consistent behavior support ensures that all students understand and adhere to the expectations and rules set forth by the school. This consistency helps establish a sense of structure and routine, which can lead to a more organized and safe learning environment for everyone.


In areas like arrival and dismissal, having clear procedures and protocols in place can help prevent chaos and ensure that students arrive and leave school in a timely and orderly manner. This not only promotes a sense of safety but also teaches students valuable life skills such as responsibility and time management.


In the classroom, effective behavior support can help minimize disruptions and distractions, allowing teachers to focus on delivering quality instruction. By setting clear expectations and providing positive reinforcement for good behavior, students are more likely to stay engaged and motivated to learn.


During transitions between classes or activities, having a structured plan can help minimize disruptions and keep students on track. This can improve the overall flow of the school day and maximize instructional time.


In areas like the lunchroom and electives, promoting positive behavior can create a more inclusive and respectful environment for students to socialize and engage in extracurricular activities. By fostering a sense of community and mutual respect, students are more likely to feel connected to their school and peers.


Overall, The 180 Program Foundation’s school-wide behavior support is essential in promoting a positive and productive learning environment for all students. By establishing clear expectations, providing consistent reinforcement, and fostering a sense of community, schools can create a supportive atmosphere where students can thrive academically and socially.