SEL Small Group Cohorts

Youth Training & Development

Social Emotional Learning
Post Pandemic Recovery
Angry Management
Peer Mediation

Problem Solving

Life Skills

College/Career Readiness
Job Seeking Skills

Strategies for Thinking Productively
Social Etiquette

Job Seeking Skills

Strategies for Thinking Productively

The 180 Program Foundation’s small group student cohort sessions are a supportive and structured environment where students can address their behavior, attitudes, and poor academic achievement. These cohorts provide a space for students to reflect on their actions, engage in meaningful discussions, and receive academic support tailored to their individual needs.

Each cohort is led by experienced 180 Team Member, who as an educator and mentor, guide students through activities and discussions aimed at promoting personal growth and development. The curriculum includes topics such as self-awareness, conflict resolution, goal-setting, and study skills, all designed to help students overcome challenges and succeed academically.


Through the small group format, students have the opportunity to build relationships with their peers, receive support from their mentors, and learn from each other’s experiences. By fostering a sense of community and accountability, the cohorts empower students to take ownership of their behavior and academic performance.


Ultimately, the small group student cohorts conducted by The 180 Program Foundation provide a holistic approach to addressing students’ challenges, helping them develop the skills and mindset needed to thrive in school and beyond.